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Review: Meater—This Wireless Thermometer Pings Your Phone When The Rib Eye Has Reached Perfection

WIRED—June 10, 2018


If it was up to me, my ideal grill would be one that could capably cook low and slow and and also be able to turn on the jets for a hard, fast sear. There’d be a nice-sized table next to it and space for my tools. The icing on the cake would be temperature control. For that, I’d want a little base station connected to a two-probe thermometer so I could monitor both the air temperature just above the grill grates and the internal temperature of the meat, with the data from both plotted out on a graph so I could understand what was cooking.

That whole thermometer thing seem a bit too much for you? Consider reconsidering. Thermometers, particularly modern digital thermometers, are the most important grill accessory you can own. Don’t you love fish at the point just past translucence, your pork chop slightly pink in the center, your lamb rosy, and your brisket luscious? The only way to do it all consistently is with a thermometer. Some people say they can poke a steak with a finger and know if it’s done, but I’m not one of them and those people are not always correct. It might sound silly, but I’ve been known to use thermometers on sausages because they taste better when they’re cooked just right. Not only do thermometers save pricey food from an overcooked fate, but you also get compliments when your food is cooked perfectly.

Are you tempted to buy this new wireless grill thermometer? Read on in WIRED to learn why you shouldn’t.

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