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Review: Hestan Smart Induction Cooktop

WIRED—October 13, 2018


The first thing I did with the new stovetop in front of me was the simplest and the most important. I set the burner to a temperature, set of pound of butter in a pan and walked away for 20 minutes. When I returned, I skimmed the foam from the surface and poured out perfect clarified butter.

The chefs among you might notice the lack of baby-sitting that process entailed. No stopping back to make sure it wasn’t burning, no realizing the heat was set too low, no fussing whatsoever. That’s thanks to being able to set the burner to an exact temperature, in this case 240 degrees Fahrenheit, something heretofore inconceivable in built-in cooktop. This means you can do stuff like temper chocolate, caramelize onions, or slowly cook ultra-tender scrambled eggs without fear. Or, you can sear a steak without worrying if your burner’s definition of medium-high is the same as the recipe writer’s in the cookbook you’re reading. You can do it all with a tested number and not a feeling.

For the brand-new Smart Induction Cooktop, Hestan supplements this impressive offering heavily, with hundreds of chef-created, tested recipes, along with in an app that walks you through every step.

Read my complete review in WIRED to find out if Hestan’s connected cooktop is worth its salt.

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