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French Food Fight

Private Clubs Magazine - May-June 2011


The French love to hype the Paris-Lyon duel for the title of the country’s best food town.

But with a spate of new restaurant openings - many from chefs already operating other local hot spots - some foodies argue that Lyon is not only pulling ahead, it’s also raising the bar on quality and value.

But with a spate of new restaurant openings - many from chefs already operating other local hot spots - some foodies argue that Lyon is not only pulling ahead, it’s also raising the bar on quality and value.

We dispatched freelance food writer Joe Ray to check out five of the recent additions that get a thumbs up from Lyon insider Georges dos Santos, owner of the cult-status Antic Wine shop in Vieux Lyon and the neighboring Georges Five wine bar.

... read the rest here in Private Clubs Magazine.

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