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Presto Nomad Review: It looks like a cooler, but it’s a slow cooker that’s made to travel.

WIRED—July 26, 2018


In 2005, my friend Mike bought an old and unreliable Infiniti G20 sedan in England for the equivalent of $750, did some emergency repairs, then drove it across Europe and down to Senegal. That was a long time ago, and now that I think of it, I wonder if he ever showered on that trip. But he recently took one look at the slow cooker I was reviewing and immediately wished out loud that he’d had it with him.

“We had a plug in the back,” he said, reminiscing about cooking eggs on the radiator and eating uncooked ramen noodle packs. “This would have been perfect.”

Mike and I were marinara-making, getting ready to enjoy the kind of deep-flavored food you can make simply by letting something cook quietly over the course of the day. The appliance we used worked like an old-school slow cooker, but it looked like none I’d ever seen.

To learn more about the funky, new Presto Nomad, read on in WIRED.

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