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Round by Round - Paris Cheesemongers Ply Their Trade For The Faithful

The Boston Globe - Sunday, April 15, 2012


I am famous for my cheese nights. An invitation goes out about a week or two in advance reading, “Bring a friend, bring wine, and bring a hunk of good cheese.” Even in France, where I have lived on and off for 10 years, I am famous . . . at least among my friends.

Cheese night started when I lived in Seattle as a way to connect to France, where I wanted to make my home. The tradition continued and grew exponentially at my apartments in the City of Light, where tables would be mounded with cheese and wine. At one of the first of these gatherings, a friend popped a bite of baguette laden with a wonderfully runny Vacherin Mont d’Or and proclaimed, “This tastes like I’m licking a cow’s rear end!” before going on to eat the rest of the wheel himself.

...Read the rest here in The Boston Globe Travel.

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