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The Boston Globe - Travel - Sunday, November 7, 2010

Coast-to-coast sidekicks

Third time’s another charm for the author, his mother, and her meditative, rollicking, on-the-road self on a cross-country road trip.

The Guardian, Saturday October 2, 2010

Instant korma with Delhi’s street-food blogger

Old Delhi’s hottest new street food blogger is a Scot and she’s willing to share her favorite places.

The Boston Globe - Travel - Sunday, September 19, 2010

Riding Through A Moving Picture

Stand and stare for a few moments in one of India’s cities and you’ll understand the impossibility of summing up the country and how it sends you running into the recesses of your mind for quiet. The train system, however, is what the French would call a fil conducteur, a ‘conducting wire’ that links and combines India’s dizzying disparate elements - country and city, rich and impossibly poor, calm and chaotic. It is a rolling microcosm, a big, blue myth, proudly trundling along at an impossibly slow average speed.

The Boston Globe - Travel - Sunday, September 19, 2010

Old and New, Delhi Fills Up on Street Food Day and Night

A Delhi street food tour with Eat and Dust author Pamela Timms and The Hindu’s Rahul Verma.

The Boston Globe - Travel - Sunday, August 29, 2010

Madrid - Bite By Bite

A taxi through the heart of Madrid goes through an amazing architectural diversity, then down into herky-jerky underground sections with sharp corners and dropouts that are like navigating an abandoned coal shaft through the city’s belly. You pass so many bars and restaurants, the idea of a tapas tour sounds both fantastic and naive.

The Boston Globe - Sunday, August 22, 2010

Working to cook up the good life ship ’n’ shore

On the deck, in the sun, with the juice of local prawns dribbling down our chins, my dining partner lets out a discreet little moan. This is the moment I know that Riley Starks is onto a good thing.

Sunday, April 18, 2010 - The Boston Globe - Travel

Nostalgia ‘n’ Mash Hot on The Menu

A friend recently told me of the upswing in London cuisine and the mind-numbing goodness of the city’s ethnic offerings. I was leery. Historically, food from the United Kingdom has an awful reputation and a hefty price tag. I couldn’t imagine coming here just to eat.

Sunday, March 21, 2010 - The Boston Globe - Travel

Making The Taste of This End of The Earth

Turning onto the dirt road to Bodega Noemía de Patagonia, the car’s wheels lose contact with the ground. With one hand on the phone and the other on the gearshift, Vinding-Diers is doing what my father calls “fancy knee driving’’ and cackling like a madman.

It sounds like he’s homogenizing wines around the world but instead, we pull into the winery and he continues the conversation with his assistant Jesse Katz face to face.

It’s all part of harvest time at the end of the world.

Sunday, March 7, 2010 - The Boston Globe - Travel

At the nexus of food, art, and soul

Standing in the kitchen of what may be the best restaurant in the world, I shake hands with Ferran Adrià, the chef behind it all. Every year, it’s said that millions try for the few thousand seats at his restaurant, El Bulli, for the six months it’s open. The odds are not in their favor.

If, like me, they are lucky enough to be invited by a friend, they drop everything and hop on a plane.

Spring 2010 - Centurion Magazine

The Art of The Blend - Cognac

Using three eaux de vie ranging in age from six to thirty years, a group of people in an antiseptic tasting room try their hand at creating emotion in a bottle.

Rémy Martin cellar master Pierrette Trichet watches over the group of would-be Cognac makers, pokes her nose in a student’s glass and frowns.

“Smells a little old and a little expensive,” she says. Translation? Back to the drawing board.

The Boston Globe - Food & Travel - Wednesday March 3, 2010

Rioja region’s dish mixes potatoes, chorizo, and care

Discovering one of the Rioja region’s signature dishes in a restaurant and in the home of winemaker Juan Carlos Lopez de Lacalle

Sunday, February 21, 2010 - The Boston Globe - Travel - RAVE

A fresh take on Scottish cuisine? Haggis and more

Traditional Scottish cuisine might not have the best reputation, but Sandy Smart’s take on it should…

The Boston Globe - January 10, 2010

A Place, Distilled

Good Scotch whisky is a road trip in a bottle.

Pour a glass, close your eyes, breathe in, and be reminded of the place where waves turn the seaside into a rough and craggy path for the strolling thinker.

Another glass may contain a wall of smoke that overwhelms the senses, or a delicate wisp that transports you to a bog where heather becomes peat.

A whisky tour through Scotland is a firsthand taste of the rocks and wind, fire and sea, mud and flowers that are a distillation of this thornily self-reliant part of the United Kingdom…

Winter 2010 - Centurion Magazine

The Other Side of Fine Dining

Just when things were about to boil over with the future of superchef Ferran Adria’s restaurant, I spoke with El Bulli manager Juli Soler, who can be a very fickle fish - a mix of businessman and artist. His responses can be cheeky, or just need time before you realize they’re not glib. 

Winter 2010 - Platinum Magazine

Savoire Faire

We visit France’s Savoy region to meet a chef doing exactly the right thing…